Daily Blog •July 18, 2012 |
Last 15 Years Matchups For Every Game!!!

Texas vs Oklahoma PDF
PhilSteele.com is loaded with information but the chart above is my favorite type of info on the site and it is exclusively at PhilSteele.com. When you click on this year's schedule for each team you can click on any opponent and the past matchups chart will pop up. I used the Texas/Oklahoma matchup above as an example as it is one of the top rivalry games. The chart not only gives you the score of each of the past 15 years but it gives you the complete box score and much more. You will notice the matchup above is from the Texas team page. Therefore green numbers are good for Texas and red numbers are bad. At a glance you can see that Texas had a streak of 5 straight losses from '00-'04 but has won 4 of the last 7 since. A check of the last column quickly shows you that last year was the first time in 5 years that one team outgained the other by 100 yds. The Individual Game Grade is something I devised 3 years ago so it only goes back that far. If you look at the ranked columns to the left you see that both teams have been ranked in 11 of the last 12 meetings (6 str years). The "Upset" column lets you quickly see how many upsets there have been in the series (4) the last 15 years. This is available RIGHT NOW for EVERY FBS game being played this year! Click on the link below and become an expert on every matchup for 2012!