Thursday, March 27, 2025
Daily Blog • December 16, 2013

Phil Steele's 2013-14 Bowl Confidence Contest
Part of ESPN’s Bowl Mania!

Are you ready to take Phil Steele on in a head-to-head matchup? Pick the winners of all 35 bowl games and then rank them in confidence from 1-35 with 35 being your most confident pick and 1 being your least confident pick. See how you stack up against one of the nation’s top college football analysts by entering the 2013-14 Bowl Confidence Contest in conjunction with ESPN’s Bowl Mania!

The last couple of years I have had a Bowl Confidence Contest that generated a lot of interest on our site and we had hundreds and hundreds of entries. Four years ago we had our biggest entry pool with nearly 1,200 and it was a huge success with more than double the entries of ‘08! Three years ago we outdid ourselves again with an incredible 2,922 entries and 2 years we had more than 3,000! This year I am teaming with ESPN’s Bowl Mania and will again have a “Bowl Confidence Contest” with my own separate group and I hope there will be many more participants!

You can enter the contest by simply clicking here. Click the create and join link and log in your information. Right away you will notice that the bowls are set up to read : Bowl, TV station, Team, Date/Time, Other Team, Confidence. Begin by picking the team you think will win each of the 35 bowl games. You then award your confidence points to each. The team you are most confident in to win their game would get your strongest rating of 35 points. A bowl game that you believe is a tough call would get your lowest rating of 1. If you’re on the fence about a team or would like to see where other voters are putting them in terms of confidence, click on the question mark after the Date/Time and get a breakdown of the votes so far. For more information on how to play…click here.

The Top 3 Finishers in the group will get a complete set of the 2014 Phil Steele Magazines and other merchandise!

For each team that you correctly picked to win the bowl, you get the confidence points you assigned to them. Those with the highest points are the winners. The first bowl game takes place on December 21st at 2:00 PM EST so enter today! Good Luck!!

For more contest rules click here and if you have any questions or concerns please email

Also, make sure to check everyday for complete information and coverage on all the bowl matchups. On the homepage click on the Bowl Matchups link, where you will find all 35 bowl games. Click on the bowl logo for each game to get all the information you need to become an expert! Start doing your homework now and get your 35 bowl predictions in.