Thursday, March 27, 2025
Phil Steele Blog • July 27, 2015



Phil Steele's 2015 Pro Football Preview Available to be shipped!

In 1995 I published Volume No. 1 of my College Football Preview. It covered 86 teams and it was printed on black & white newsprint and, as you all know, there have been some changes. Well, Volume No. 7 of my Pro Preview is at the presses and the approximate mail out date will be Monday July 27th.


Just like my College Preview, I will never stop making improvements and, in my opinion, this is by far the best NFL magazine on the market. The cost is just $9.99 and, while I cover all the handling costs, there is a $6 charge from US Postal Service for Priority Mail. IT WILL NOT BE DISTRIBUTED TO STORES, so the only ways to receive it are (a) to CALL 1-866-918-7711, (b) to visit the store (c) to order on your phone or tablet on the Phil Steele App for $9.99 through Google Play or iTunes Store or (d) to visit, where you can get a digital copy to view on your computer or laptop.  For a complete summary of ordering options, please visit the home page at for information.  

Below is a LINK to the new and improved team pages. Each has 4 full pages of coverage and there is also a page for each team in the Fantasy Football section.

Now let me point of some of the changes. On the first team page I’ve added “A look back at the teams L8Y” as well as the team leaders during that span. Page 2 has a schedule for you to track your favorite team and I’ve added an O/U logs section for those readers located in Las Vegas or for those who will be visiting there. Page 3 has the team write-ups as well as the current roster INCLUDING A THREE-DEEP DEPTH CHART! Finally is the team stat page and I find this new format INVALUABLE. The team stats have scoring by quarters as well as whether a team outperformed or underperformed other opponents. The player stats have “strikethrough” lines for players who have departed, as well as the stat lines for players who are new to the team, including both stats and participation information (i.e., games started and played). The last 3 years of the draft are on the page, along with last year’s start chart again with the departed players having a line through them.

Enjoy the New England pages for free and order today to become one of the first people to have the 2015 Phil Steele Pro Preview in your hands!




2015 College & Pro Football Previews
available right now on iTunes & Google Play!

1). It is available WEEKS before the magazine hits the newsstands on July 1st! It not only allows you to get the magazine weeks before it hits the book stores but it will save you wear and tear on your printed magazine. If you get both you can use it as your mobile version of the magazine and that will keep your actual magazine from getting dog eared early in the year.

2). It’s easy to use and works perfectly for both the iPhone, iPad and Android Devices. The download process may take up to 10-15 minutes but that’s because we have over 350 pages with jampacked information!

3). Non-U.S. Customers: The magazine will not be on the newsstands internationally, the only way to get the 2015 College Football Preview is to order through our offices and pay at least $35 (includes S&H) or get it on iTunes or Google Play  for just $9.99.

4). It’s only $9.99! On the newsstand, the magazine will cost you $12.99.

Please note: after downloading and purchasing the App, please make sure you search for 2015 if the old 2014 cover/edition comes up on your screen.

WE HAVE ALSO RECEIVED OUR SHIPMENT IN THE OFFICE! Don’t wait order the 2015 Phil Steele College Football Preview and 2015 Pro Football Preview (Pro Preview not on the newstands) now and we’ll ship it out within one business day. Call 1-866-918-7711. Or order online at the Phil Steele Store.

The first magazine is $12.99 plus $6 for Priority Mail service. Add a second for $10 if delivered to the same address at the same time. OR, take advantage of our 7-6-5 special.

Seven 2015 College FB Previews delivered to one address just $65 (and that includes postage!)