Thursday, March 27, 2025
Phil Steele Blog • July 22, 2016


Phil Steele's 2016 Pro Magazine is now Available.


Three ways to get a copy of Phil Steele's 2016
College Football Preview or Pro Preview!


#1. Order now: The trucks have already arrived with the 2016 College Preview on June 15th. The 2016 Pro Magazine will arrive in our office TODAY! We will start to send out the Pro Magazines this afternoon. The 2016 Pro Preview will not be sold in stores. You can only get a copy by either calling us to order at 1-866-918-7711 or online at Phil Steele Store.


The cost for the 2016 College Magazine is 12.99 + $6.80 for shipping to take advantage of our 2 magazine special. Get a pair of Phil Steele's College Football Previews must be sent to the same address and pay just $28.99.


The cost for the 2016 Pro Preview is 9.99 + $6.80 for shipping ot take advantage of our 2 magazine special. Get a pair of Phil Steele's Pro Football Previews must be sent to the same address and pay just $21.99. Again the Pro Magazine will not be sold in stores.


Or get one of each magazine. One College and one Pro for just $29.78. Must be sent to the same address.



#2. In Stores Now. The 2016 College Magazine will be available at these Seven retailers.
• Barnes & Noble • Books-A-Million • CVS • Publix • Target
• Walgreens & Now Returning to ALL Walmart Locations nationwide!


The Phil Steele's 2016 Pro Preview will not be in stores you can only order online at the Phil Steele Store or call 1-866-918-7711.


2016 College Football & Pro Preview
available right now on iTunes & Google Play!

#3. Available now: The digital copy on the Phil Steele 2016 College Football Preview and 2016 Pro Football Preview is now available on the iTunes app store and on your Android device thru the Google Play Store. Just search for the Phil Steele Football app in your respective devices store, download the app and purchase either the 2016 College Magazine or Pro Magazine there for just $9.99.

1). it will save you wear and tear on your printed magazine. If you get both you can use it as your mobile version of the magazine and that will keep your actual magazine from getting dog eared and torn up early in the year.

2). It’s easy to use and works for both the iPhone, iPad and any Android Devices. The download process may take up to 10-15 minutes but that’s because we have over 350 pages in the College magazine & 260 pages in the Pro Magazine jam-packed with information!

3). Non-U.S. Customers: The magazine will not be on the newsstands in Canada or internationally, the only way to get the 2016 College Football or Pro Preview is to order through our office and the cost could be close to $50 (includes shipping) or get it on iTunes or Google Play for just $9.99.

For exact cost for Canada & International shipping email customer service: Here

4). It’s only $9.99! On the newsstand, the magazine will cost you $12.99 + $6.80 shipping.

Please note:
after downloading and purchasing the App, please make sure you search for 2016 if the old 2015 cover/edition comes up on your screen.