Phil Steele Blog • June 2, 2017 |
I Want My Phil Steele's 2017 College Football Preview.
Available now: The digital copy on the Phil Steele 2017 College Football Preview is now available on the iTunes app store and on your Android device thru the Google Play Store. Just search for the Phil Steele Football app in your respective devices store, download the app and purchase the 2017 College Magazine there for just $9.99.
It will save you wear and tear on your printed magazine. If you get both you can use it as your mobile version of the magazine and that will keep your actual magazine from getting dog eared and torn up early in the year.
It’s easy to use and works perfectly for both the iPhone, iPad and any Android Devices. The download process may take up to 10-15 minutes but that’s because we have over 350 pages jam-packed with information! So be patient!!
Any questions or problems with the Phil Steele App please contact Todd at
Here is the Phil Steele's 2017 College Football Preview Texas Cover. To find out how to get a hold of your own copy check out the blog below. Over the next week we will preview one of our 8 new covers for this years 2017 College Football Preview.

Most of you purchase my College Preview year in and year out. However, as the Magazine’s fan base continues to explode, I get many of the same questions asked multiple times. Let me hopefully answer your questions now, and if I missed one, feel free to ask it on Twitter @PhilSteele042.
Both of these questions are really the same. I know that most Phil Steele fans are college football junkies and would love my magazine to come out in April or May. First off there are several teams that don’t finalize their spring practices until the first week in May, and this season the NFL Draft is also not until the end of April. I am aware that I lose sales not being among the first on the newsstands, but it is much more important to me to again be the “Most Accurate Preseason Magazine the Last 19 Years!” Check out the links to see: Last 3 Years, Last 5 Years and the Last 10 Years. In May once all the spring camps have ended, I read all the spring notes, make my projected lineup changes. I then talk to as many coaches as I can in the next 3 weeks to make sure I have all the players in the right spots and learn even more about each team. With all the I’s dotted and the T’s crossed, I send it off to the press. You may be surprised at how many changes occur with injuries, transfers and unfortunately disciplinary measures.
WHEN DOES IT COME OUT? That is really a 3 part question.
FIRST – The 2017 Magazine will be on newsstands by June27th, 2017. About 10 years ago all the college football magazines wanted to be out by July 4th and I will accomplish that. PLEASE NOTE: Many newsstands only take 5 or 10 magazines and sell out the FIRST DAY! We can not make them reorder and with so many different titles to manage, the stores rarely do go thru the extra bother to reorder. The newsstand cost is $12.99, BUT IS THE RISK OF WAITING WORTH IT?
SECOND – By ordering through our office at 866-918-7711 or online at the Phil Steele Store. We will start shipping out our orders THE DAY WE RECEIVE THEM from the printer which may be as early as three weeks prior to the newsstand date. For the exact date we get them in please check back on daily. The cost is $12.99 for each magazine plus $7.20 USPS Priority Shipping (note: absolutely no handling cost) OR, take advantage of my 2 mag special. If you call the office or order online a pair of the 2017 Phil Steele's College Football Previews shipped to the same address at the same time save $10.39 with the 2 magazine special and pay just $29.99.
THIRD BUT THE EARLIEST – To be the earliest to get your hands on the 2017 information, you can download the APP for the 2017 Phil Steele College Football Preview from either the iTunes/Apple App Store or Google Play for ONLY $9.99 with an expected availability the very first week of June but with no wait time just download the magazine. We will post the exact date when the digital version will be available here on
This year you will be able to find the magazine at these 7 US retailers. At EVERY Barnes & Noble & Books-A-Million, at 90% of CVS, Publix, Target, Walgreens, and now returning to Walmart locations nationwide. Also available in Ontario Canada at Press Comerce and at other independent retailers in the area (limited quantities). However, we do not yet know how many magazines will be ordered by each store or by a particular store location.